CASA Mobile
A Better Life For Mobile’s Abused and Neglected Children
A local organization composed of ordinary people
who make an extraordinary difference in a child’s life
A local organization composed of ordinary people who make an extraordinary difference in a child’s life
Speaking Up for Abused and Neglected Children
New cases filed in Mobile County Last Year
Dedicated, trained and supervised volunteers
Children served by CASA last year
Who We Are
CASA Mobile transforms the lives of children and youth caught up in the child welfare system by providing one consistent, caring volunteer advocate trained to address each child’s best interest.
Speaking Up For Alabama’s Children
Nick Saban, retired head football coach for the University of Alabama, supports Alabama CASA volunteers who make a positive impact on the lives of abused and neglected children.
What We Do
CASA volunteers listen first. Then they act. CASA volunteers are advocates for children (newborns to 18 years of age) who are in the juvenile court system due to allegations of abuse and neglect. These are the most vulnerable children in our community. The CASA volunteer gets to know the child by talking with everyone in that child’s life: parents and relatives, teachers, medical professionals, attorneys, social workers, and others. They use the information they gather to inform judges of what the child needs and what will be the best permanent home for them.

A Special Thank You to Our CASA Grantors
The Crampton Trust
The Ernest G. DeBakey Foundation
The Monte L. Moorer Foundation
The Sunrise Rotary Club
The Helen & Jeff Glaze Foundation
The Mary J. Larkins Charitable Foundation
Bullard Automotive
The A.S. Mitchell Foundation
United Bank Foundation
The Caring Foundation of Blue Cross Blue Shield
The Mapp Family Foundation
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Are you ready to speak up for children in need?
Together we can improve the lives of abused and neglected children in Mobile County.
2315 Costarides Street Mobile, AL 36617
Call Us: (251) 574-5277
CASA Mobile, Inc. is totally funded by grants and personal donations. For additional information or to receive an application, please call 251-574-5277 or email Elizabeth Walter at
Donate to CASA
Please send donations to:
CASA Mobile, Inc.
Strickland Youth Center
2315 Costarides Street
Mobile, AL 36617
For additional information or to receive a volunteer application packet, please contact Elizabeth Walter at 251-574-5277 or
Special Thanks to our Website Sponsors, Joe Bullard Automotive and the Alabama Power Foundation